unwrapped crayons stacked together

The freedom.

Talk therapy is great. But sometimes there are things underneath the surface that we may not even be aware of yet. It can feel weird at first - a grown person with crayons and construction paper in hand - but it can also feel completely freeing if you give it a chance.


The understanding.

Utilizing the arts in therapy can open up your path to self-discovery as you uncover feelings through your creations. Art offers a release of emotions and even stress relief since art is a healthy outlet to express yourself and consequently relax your mind & body.

sand in water with pebbles

The process

There’s so many things you can do to express yourself with art. Engaging in art by drawing, coloring, collaging, or writing can bring to surface thoughts or feelings we’ve been avoiding or not understanding. With sand tray, we can use miniatures to create scenarios and see your world in 3D to better understand what’s happening in your life.

Learn more.


Art therapy is a whole specialization and niche. While I am not an art therapist, I do like to incorporate art activities into therapy with clients. Read about the legitimate registered art therapists and how they incorporate art into therapy below.