Be you. the centered you.


Your life is yours and you get to choose how you define yourself. But have you ever felt like you weren’t where you want to be? Your life isn’t what you expected it and you’re stuck in a job, a house, or a relationship that isn’t working for you anymore. You feel like you’re drowning in tasks and your to-do list never dwindles. There’s got to be more to life, right? I think so, too.

contemplative asian woman with hands to her face

Is this you?

If you’re struggling to find passion for your life or feeling way too stressed with your life, you may be thinking that life sucks. Perhaps you struggle with boundaries and find yourself over-stretched or you isolate completely and need to find a community. You make feel like you’re burnt out and mentally exhausted. We can work through this together.

black woman looking free and one with nature

Can we do this instead?

With therapeutic interventions specific to you, your circumstances, and your goals, we can reduce stressors and increase self-care. We can identify your values to set up healthy routines to improve your sleep, hobbies, work productivity, and social health. You deserve the life you envision for yourself.

Get Started Today

You deserve to understand yourself and your needs better. You don’t have to stay stuck or stay stressed and hating your life. Reach out for healing when you’re ready.