Be you. the exceptional you.


As human beings, we are social creatures. As children, we learn from the first people we encounter, our caregivers, then from other family members then peers then romantic partners. Our lives are made up of relationships. If any of these relationships has caused us harm, we suffer and so do our other relationships. But there’s hope.

Is this you?

If you’re struggling with relationships, it’s possible bad things have happened. You could have been taken advantage of, you don’t trust yourself, you struggle to be completely vulnerable with others, you are a people pleaser, you give so much of yourself to others and get nothing in return. This could all be due to relational trauma or attachment wounds. This could include abuse by a partner, neglect by a caregiver, sexual assault by a stranger, or any other inappropriate or disturbing display of “love.”

happy hispanic gay women at the beach

Can we do this instead?

With therapeutic interventions specific to you, your circumstances, and your goals, we can identify the trauma cycle you continue to play out in your relationships. What doesn’t heal, repeats. We’ll recognize patterns of manipulation, codependcy, abuse, and unhealthy relationships to better understand your journey and learn more about what healthy love looks like so you can seek it out. You are worthy of being respected and valued in your friendships, romantic partnerships, and family dynamics.

Get Started Today

You deserve to know love and be loved. Your relationships don’t have to continue being toxic. Reach out for healing when you’re ready.